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What We've Been Up To: Fall 2017

Writer's picture: Hadassah ShemtovHadassah Shemtov

Batsheva Learning Center has been off to an incredible start this fall!

Our new program coordinators, Chaya Green and Chanie Lieberman, have been hard at work planning classes and events for Jewish women in Brooklyn...

50 women have been attending our weekly Sushi and Study chavrusa sessions every Thursday night.

Join us this Thursday at 566 Crown St. @ 8 pm!

Last month, one of our board members, Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, gave a fascinating class on Gemara study for women. The class was well-attended both in person and online!

Click HERE for the full recording on SoundCloud and HERE for the PDF source booklet.

One month ago, 10 schools across the country introduced our second annual high school chidon to their 11th and 12th grade students. Students involved have been hard at work studying the first sefer of the Rambam's Mishna Torah with their school mentors in preparation for their first test coming up this Sunday.


Two weeks ago, we started an introductory Gemara course with Rabbi Naftali Silberberg that offered a glimpse into the world of Talmudic language and reasoning. Click HERE and HERE to listen the recordings of the first two classes on SoundCloud.

Join our last class this Sunday at 8 pm, 566 Crown St. 2nd floor!

Last night was our first class in a 2-part maamar series with Mrs. Natalie Rice.

Join us next Wednesday (December 6) for the second shiur, followed by a farbrengen in honor of Yud Tes Kislev!

481 Albany Ave (The Shul), at 8 pm.

Love what we do and want to see more of this? Please consider:

- Sponsoring a class, farbrengen or a week of Sushi and Study in honor of a special occasion. Email us to find out more.

- Making a one-time donation on our website to show us your support.

- Signing up for a monthly donation to partner with us in continuing to provide a vibrant community for women to learn and live Torah.

Looking forward to seeing you at our future events and classes!

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