Located in the heart of Los Angeles, Maayon Yisrael was a spacious, sunny and welcoming environment for our two-week learning adventure...
At 9 am, the shul filled with passionate voices; each student dissecting the maamar of the week with her chavrusa...
After breakfast, Gemara class threw us headfirst into the intricate halachic labyrinth of Eidim Zomemin...
After a gourmet lunch, cooked by our very own, Chava Hinsey...
We spent our afternoons tackling the Rambam's introduction to the mishna, challenging our perspectives on the development of Torah law...
After an afternoon break, we returned in the evenings for an engaging Chassidus class and discussed some of the profound ideas we studied that morning...
We spent time bonding together as a group, forming deep connections with our peers over the new ideas we learned and our shared love for learning...
For many of us, the program opened up a new world of learning that we never felt was available to us before. It empowered us with the skill, knowledge and confidence to return to these texts on our own and make Torah learning an integral part of our lives. Here is what some of our students had to say at the end of the program:
"Batsheva provides an intellectual, engaging and stimulating Jewish environment for women. This experience has been a valuable asset that has motivated me to continue my Jewish learning"
- Yael Haskowitz
"I'm so grateful for the opportunity to re-engage in learning.It's been fun tackling the text with a dedicated group of teachers and students."
- Yitty Wolf
"I came to the Batsheva Learning Retreat with the hope to learn a bit of Torah. I got so much more than that; the expansive curriculum was thought provoking and enticing. Throughout the two weeks we delved into Chassidus, Gemara and Halacha. The classes promoted extensive critical thinking. I made amazing friends and wonderful memories. I learned so many great skills that I'll definitely utilize in the present and future."
- Bracha Nili Shore
Thank you to all our generous donors for giving us the summer of a lifetime!